Whether you are unemployed or underemployed, our Employment Programs are designed to assist you in securing the dream job and financial stability you deserve!
Our Success Training Employment Program (STEP) is a FREE 3-phase program that provides participants with valuable skills, confidence, and knowledge to help secure employment and reach financial goals. In 2023, we helped 128 individuals obtain job skills training, gain employment, and increase their household income. We had 86 graduates become successfully employed.
The NEW Build UP program is a 3-phase program providing hands-on training and skills to secure in-demand, high paying employment in the growing trades, construction, and manufacturing fields. You will learn basic construction math, print reading, measuring, calculating, and so much more!
We also host career events at the UP Center featuring dozens of our career partners. These are incredible, not to be missed events for those seeking employment across a variety of different fields.
Thanks to our Employment Programs, we’re able to connect participants with a variety of life-changing tools, skills, and opportunities, including resume building, professional development, networking, and more!
STEP into your future with the Success Training Employment Program.
Whether you are unemployed or underemployed, our STEP program is designed to assist you in securing the dream job and financial stability you deserve!
Thanks to our Success Training Employment Program, we’re able to connect program participants with a variety of life-changing employment tools, skills, and opportunities, including resume building, professional development, networking, and more!
In 2022, we helped 57 low-income individuals obtain job skills training, gain employment, and increase their household income. We had 26 graduates become successfully employed. Not only did the individuals increase their income, this created a $787,640 “social cost avoidance”, which refers to the expenses taxpayers would have incurred for unemployment, rent/utility assistance, emergency room usage, and criminal justice costs.